الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

Digimon Adventure -the Digimon Returning to the Origins

after Digimon Re:Digitize was a HIT (considering the DS digimon games Anyway) Namco Bandai Continues the Digimon Celebration with two games Digimon Adventure and Digimon Crusader

 by going to the origin of games with Re:Digitize they decided to go to the origins of ...

Digimon Adventure (Game)

yeah its Digimon Adventure the Very First DIGIMON anime ,But this time it's a game .
V-jump and Bandai Official Website Announced this game for PSP and Given some Screen shots ..this game will most likely out in 2013 ..
the storyline will be that of the Digimon Adventure anime and 

Digimon Crusader

is a mobile iOS game that's also Announced at V-Jump ...its a Card-based RPG game set on file Island as you got summoned to Digital World by Ophanimon and your Duty is uniting the warring Digimons

Some screenshots


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